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Social Media Marketing: 10 Burning Questions

Some companies make very good use of social-media services like Facebook and Twitter. Other companies, not so much. One thing is certain: leveraged properly, social media can be an inexpensive and effective marketing tool.

Okay, but where to begin? What if you're new to all this and don't have a clue how to get started? Have no fear: WebWorkerDaily's Aliza Sherman answers 10 questions about social-media marketing, including this increasingly common one:

What's the best social media tool to start with? (Blog? Facebook? LinkedIn?)
Choosing the social media sites and tools that are right for you depends on your overarching objectives: What are you trying to achieve and who are you trying to reach? There are wider-reaching sites such as a blog or Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, but also more narrow or niche sites and tools such as social networks specific to particular industry or interest, such as Care2 for environment, animal and human rights issues, or Behance for graphic designers. If you had to start with one site to help you in business, a good place to begin is with a professional profile on LinkedIn.
While some of Sherman's answer are decidedly high-level, without a lot of real-world substance, there's still plenty of good information for anyone new to social-media marketing. Give it a read.
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