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Simple Tricks to Tune Up Your Brain

2294885420_ed91b173c5_m.jpgI caught a great post the other day from Shilpan Patel, who contends that brain maintenance is a must if you want to keep your gray matter in shape. Luckily, cranium care needn't be too taxing; he offers 14 simple ways to supercharge your brain.

Among them:

  • Eat almonds and drink apple juice to improve memory.
  • Sleep well and reduce stress (practice yoga or meditation) to maximize brainpower.
  • Fast for a day to detox your body and brain.
  • Do mental exercises like crossword puzzles -- or learn a new language -- to keep your mind sharp and agile.
  • Have sex. ("Come on, honey, it'll make us smarter!")
  • Reduce your sugar intake, eat whole wheat, and take Vitamin B-complex to avoid memory loss, strengthen cognitive function, and improve memory power.
Nothing on his list requires surgery, an appointment with a shrink, or a Ph.D. Give some of his ideas a try -- and then let me know how much stronger your brain has become. Me, I'm off to eat an almond-butter-and-whole-wheat sandwich and practice my sun salutations while learning Italian. See you at the Mensa meeting.

(image by LoreleiRanveig via Flickr, CC 2.0)

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