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RIM BlackPad: Outed by an Accessory Maker

Research In Motion, the company behind the wildly successful BlackBerry Smart Phone announced today that they are releasing a tablet device in November 2010.
So there you have it: the heavily rumored RIM BlackPad is real, and it's coming in November. Just one problem: those lines aren't from an official RIM press release, but rather from the release of accessory maker Y2Trade. Whoopsie!

One of two things probably happened here: either the vendor got its wires crossed about when RIM was making its official announcement, or RIM decided to delay things for some reason. (For what it's worth, the URL just acquired by RIM is still "dark" as of this writing.)

As for Y2Trade, at this point it's merely announcing its own site:, a home for BlackPad accessories.

One other possibility is that some language-challenged PR flack is simply attempting to leverage rumor as fact. Read the full press release and decide for yourself.

I have lots more to say on the subject of the BlackPad, but for now I'll throw the ball in your court: do you think a RIM tablet stands even the slightest chance against the iPad? I think it all depends on how RIM positions it: as a consumer gadget or a business tool.

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