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5 reasons to get pet insurance for your dog before the holidays

Cosy winter holidays
Skipping out on pet insurance could be the wrong move this holiday season. Getty Images

The holiday season is a time of joy and togetherness, but it can also be a time of unexpected expenses. And, that's especially true if you're a pet owner. After all, your furry family members are just as likely as humans to face health issues or accidents during this festive season. And, with all of the extra costs for holiday travel, meals and gifts, the last thing you want is to be caught off guard by a hefty veterinary bill. 

But the good thing is that you don't have to be. While you can't necessarily control whether your dog needs routine or emergency vet care during the holiday season, you can control what you pay out of pocket for their care with the help of the right pet insurance policy. And, if you're going to purchase this type of coverage for your dog, it would be wise to make that move before the holidays roll around. 

Start exploring your top pet insurance options here.

5 reasons to get pet insurance for your dog before the holidays

If you've been putting off purchasing a pet insurance policy for your dog, there are a few good reasons to do it before the holiday season rolls around, including:

Accidents happen

The holiday season often brings guests, decorations and increased activity, which can lead to unexpected accidents. Dogs can ingest toxic foods, get caught up in holiday decorations or suffer injuries while playing — and the associated vet bills can be significant. After all, the average vet bill for a simple issue with intestinal discomfort ranges from $203 to $385 on average — and the cost of bigger or more emergent issues can be a lot higher.

Pet insurance ensures that you're financially prepared to handle emergency vet visits or unexpected surgeries. It grants you peace of mind, knowing you won't have to make tough decisions about your pet's health based on cost.

Learn more about what you could pay for pet insurance here.

Cost-effective healthcare

Routine pet care can be costly, and holiday expenses can strain your budget. By investing in pet insurance, you can mitigate the financial burden of regular veterinary check-ups, vaccinations and preventive care — and the cost of emergency care, too. This means you can allocate more of your holiday budget to gifts, travel and festivities while still giving your dog the best possible healthcare, no matter what the issue is.

Comprehensive coverage

Pet insurance policies vary, but many offer comprehensive coverage, including illnesses, accidents, hereditary conditions and even behavioral issues. By getting pet insurance for your dog, you'll have peace of mind knowing that your furry friend is protected against a wide range of health concerns, both now and in the future. And that can give you a lot of peace of mind during the hectic holiday season.

Specialized holiday coverage

Some pet insurance providers will even offer specialized holiday coverage during the festive season. This can include coverage for boarding costs if you need to travel, reimbursement for pet sitters and even coverage for accidental damage caused by your pet at a holiday party. These extra benefits can make your holidays worry-free.

Avoiding the holiday debt trap

Holiday expenses can easily spiral out of control and adding unexpected pet medical bills to the mix can lead to financial stress. By getting pet insurance, you can maintain your financial stability and avoid accumulating debt related to your dog's medical care. This ensures that you start the new year on a financially sound note, rather than grappling with bills from the previous holiday season.

Don't skip the pet insurance coverage this holiday season. Get started here!

The bottom line

The holiday season is a time for celebration and making lasting memories with your loved ones, including your four-legged family members. By getting pet insurance for your dog before the holidays, you're not only safeguarding their health but also ensuring your own peace of mind. You can enjoy the festivities without the worry of unexpected veterinary bills and you'll have the means to provide the best possible care for your pet. Remember that pet insurance policies can vary, so take the time to compare options and select the one that best suits your pet's needs and your budget. In doing so, you'll give your dog the gift of protection and love during this special time of year.

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