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Promotion Commotion: Afraid to Move Up?

corporate-climbing.jpgWould you say that seeking, getting, and adapting to a job promotion is more challenging than grieving? How about raising a teenager or getting divorced? According to a Development Dimensions International study, although excited by the prospect of moving up, many managers feel underprepared for the increased responsibility and afraid of failure. Only 27.8 percent of those managers surveyed said their companies were doing a good job preparing employees for career transitions. And 52 percent said their last transition would have been easier if they had a "clear sense of performance expectations."

DDI vice president of executive solutions Matt Paese attributes some of the promotion-related stress to balancing internal politics and planning with actual work. If that strikes a chord with you, check out BNET's feature package, The Office Politics Playbook. If you'll be doling out a promotion any time in the near future, Microsoft Small Business has some smart tips to offer (a few listed below):

  1. Get to know the wrong reasons for doing it (i.e.: "She's worked here a long time" or "We really need someone in that job -- fast.").
  2. Recognize that competence doesn't necessarily mean a promotion. Just because someone does well in her current role, that doesn't automatically translate into a capacity for greater responsibility.
  3. Let your people know what you're looking for. As mentioned above, this is one of the biggest stress factors associated with getting promoted. Take away as much of the guesswork as possible to make the experience easier.
(Corporate Climbing Image by varshesh)
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