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Poll: Majority of U.S. voters say Donald Trump is harming GOP

Donald Trump dominated his Republican rivals again Tuesday night by winning contests in Michigan, Mississippi and Hawaii
Trump wins big as Kasich and Rubio regroup 02:36

More than 60 percent of all voters in the U.S. say Donald Trump is damaging the Republican Party's image, according to a NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey released Wednesday.

The poll, by contrast, found 27 of American voters said the billionaire businessman represents something positive for the GOP.

The poll comes a day after Trump won the primaries in Michigan and Mississippi as well as the Hawaii GOP caucuses.

Among GOP primary voters, 45 percent said Trump is positive for the Republican Party and 43 percent said he's harmful.

Just over half of Republican voters, 53 percent, said they would be satisfied if Trump becomes their nominee. But at the same point in the 2012 presidential race, 72 percent of GOP voters said the same about Mitt Romney, who went on to win the nomination.

Seventy-eight percent of Democratic voters now say they would be satisfied if Hillary Clinton becomes their nominee.

A majority of all voters surveyed said Trump would bring the wrong kind of change for the country while 27 percent said he would bring the right kind of change.

Nearly a third of voters said Clinton would bring the wrong kind of change, a quarter said she would bring the right kind of change and 45 percent said there would be no change.

Half of all voters, including a third of Republicans, said Trump's remarks are often insulting, while 21 percent of all voters, including about a third of Republicans, said that while Trump's language might be a problem, he is raising important issues.

The poll surveyed 1,200 registered voters between March 3 and 6 with 410 Democratic voters with a 4.8 percentage point margin of error and 397 GOP voters with a 4.9 percentage point margin of error.

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