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paidContent - paidContent Quick Hits: 7.16.09

This story was written by Alex Ferreyra.

»  Hulu explains why it blocked access from the PS3—and blames the studios. [Gizmodo]

»  Will Blockbuster (NYSE: BBI) ever be a truly digital company when its platform doesn’t even support Macs? [StreamingMedia]

»   MTV is rolling out a new set of shorter online video ads in a quest to marry “brand effectiveness with user-tolerance.” [MediaWeek]

»  How Betty Crocker used social media to create a following for its gluten-free brownies. [AdAge]

»  SecondMarket Inc. is creating an online marketplace to trade and sell the IOUs California has been forced to send out. [LA Times]

»  Lance Armstrong has been vlogging on multiple platforms like Facebook throughout his comeback at the Tour de France to support his LIVESTRONG foundation. [NewTeeVee]

By Alex Ferreyra

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