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Overburdened Managers Losing Sight of the Big Picture

Overburdened Managers Losing Sight of the Big Picture Study FindsUK management is overburdened and overstressed according to new research out from the Chartered Management Institute. Is U.S. management doing all that much better?

CMI spoke to over 1,000 UK managers and directors and found that while over 80% are highly motivated and "can't wait to get up in the morning," nearly the same percentage report difficulties prioritizing their multiple responsibilities.

Managers, juggling personal matters, daily tasks, office politics, and an endless stream of meetings, with the need to focus on long range strategy and innovation, simply can't keep all the balls in the air. The CMI discovered that it is most often the longer-term challenges that fall by the wayside. Some of the key findings:

  • 71% admit that 'finishing tasks' is a battle. 50% of respondents blame an organizational culture of 'meeting overload' for this
  • Only 28% per cent claim new product development is high on the organizational agenda. 30% believe seeking new markets for products and services is important
  • Just 33% of respondents claim that internal talent management is important to their employer. The same percentage agree with the statement 'I understand how my career will progress'
The picture that emerges from these numbers is one in which managers' days fill up with routine meetings, office politics, and putting out day to day fires, leaving little or no time for 'big picture' thinking or strategic planning. U.S. managers weigh in: is the situation similar on this side of the pond? Do you have enough time to think about strategy and innovation?

In light of their findings, CMI is offering checklists, diagnostic tools and advice to help managers better prioritize for free download at this specially created website.

(Image of man juggling by dhbphotography, CC 2.0)

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