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Microsoft Recite Brings Voice-Note Recording and Searching to Windows Mobile Phones

Microsoft Recite lets you record and manage voice notes on your Windows Mobile smartphone and then search those notes using your voice. That's right: It's voice-recognition at the note-taking level.

As with other voice-note programs, all you do is tap a button to start your recording.To find previously recorded notes, just tap Search and say what you want to find. Recite returns list of matches, with the closest ones up top.

This "technology preview" is available now for Windows Mobile 6 smartphones (see the Recite site for a list of compatible models).

Neat! I don't have a WinMo phone on hand to try this out, so if you're able to take Recite for a spin (and after seeing the above demo video, I'll wager you'll want to), leave a comment detailing how it went. [via jkOnTheRun]

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