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How to Hack Yourself Some Serious Bonus Miles

If you're relying on nothing more than everyday air travel and hotel stays to feed your frequent-flyer and bonus-point accounts, you're missing out. With a little extra effort, you can rack up enough rewards to travel the world.

Over at Gizmodo, there's a story of a guy who did exactly that. In less than a year, Steve Kamb earned enough miles to visit 15 cities in nine countries across four continents. It's a rather amazing tale, one that I couldn't help but envy. (Ah, to be that young, unfettered, and brave.)

While the story itself is a compelling read, the practical takeaway is that if you know how to game the system, you can really clean up, travel-wise. Kamb recommends starting with the Frugal Travel Guy blog, which is home to the latest and greatest travel and reward-card deals.

At the very least, I plan to follow Kamb on his nine-month global adventure, which kicks off in early January. If you've ever had even a pinch of wanderlust, you'll want to do the same.

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