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Heather Luttrell: Revolutionizing Online Advertising

Lutrell Redefines Online Advertising With IndieClick
Heather Lutrell is the President of IndieClick, a division of 3Jane, which delivers customized advertising and branding campaigns to more than 200 online destinations. By overcoming the trend of broad online advertising and focusing on targeted campaigns, she has helped quality websites achieve up to six-figure profit margins every month. Lutrell talks about the trends in online advertising, micro-marketing with the internet, and budgeting for experimental media.

Case Studies

    Online Advertising Outlook Advertisers are increasingly tracking and recognizing the value and impact of digital investment.
      • 77% of those questioned in this year's EIAA Marketers' Internet Ad Barometer found online advertising had a positive impact on the perception of their brand
      • 66% felt online ads helped with overall brand awareness (68%).
    As a result, they're shifting funds previously allocated elsewhere. Overall, the digital industry remains optimistic, even in times of economic downturn. That said, there are a number of other surveyors of this space who are not as optimistic. JP Morgan Chase predicts that increasingly conservative marketers will shift their dollars to more predictable performance based advertising. (JP Morgan Cuts 2008 Outlook For Online Display Ads)Online advertising has become mainstream.

    Advertisers fail to leverage the range of established tactics to substantially improve the effectiveness of online ad campaigns.
    Often this is due to the inexperience of the advertisers, who are unfamiliar with the range of new options that are out there. In other cases, many advertisers have viewed the Internet as a source of "cheap" advertising and therefore do not invest sufficiently in experimentation and research to identify for themselves the tactics that work best. "Sometimes advertisers are pennywise and pound foolish in not running brand effectiveness studies and using the click-through rate to measure the success of a brand campaign," said Yaakov Kimelfeld, director of business intelligence at Beyond Interactive. Brian Eakin, Associate Media Director at Freestyle Interactive, concurs: "While many clients will say that there is value in learning, the clients most in need of actionable research are frequently the companies most connected to a cost-per-sale measure of success, and many of them simply won't allocate investment that doesn't immediately contribute to product sales. The challenge for planners is to extract strategic insight from active campaigns without forcing their clients to choose between sales and learnings."
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    • •The 2008-2009 Indieclick Media Kit takes Platinum in the 2008 MarCom awards and a Silver in 2008 Davey Awards in the media kit/design categories! "The Davey Awards honor the "Creative Davids" who derive their strength from big ideas, not big budgets. As the largest and most prestigious competition for smaller firms, you compete only with your peers to win the recognition you deserve." - Davey Awards Info

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