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Has Harry Found "Home"?

This story was originally broadcast Oct. 29, 2009

"Early Show" co-anchor Harry Smith was next to jump out of his comfort zone and into another profession in the "Name in Lights" series. "Early Show" news anchor Russ Mitchell recently tried out stand-up comedy, and weather anchor and features reporter Dave Price took a turn at acting in the CBS show, "CSI: Miami."

Dave Price: Price of Fame
Russ Mitchell: Tackling Stand-Up Comedy

On Saturday, Oct. 24, Smith enjoyed a dream come true when he joined the cast of the legendary public radio show broadcast, "A Prairie Home Companion," live from St. Paul, Minn.

The comedy and musical variety show is led by its renowned host Garrison Keillor. Harry acted, sang, yodeled, and all around had a swell time. His "Early Show" co-anchors commented that he looked right at home on stage.

Click on the video below to see Smith's performance.

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"A Prairie Home Companion" is produced by Prairie Home Productions and distributed by American Public Media. The radio broadcast is heard on more than 600 public radio stations in the U.S. and beyond.

The host and producer of "A Prairie Home Companion" is Garrison Keillor. Smith talked to Keillor about the history of the show, advice for how to perform, and how it all comes together. Click the video below for the entire interview.

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Smith appeared in a "Cowboys" sketch on "A Prairie Home Companion," where he acted, sang, and even yodeled. Click the video below for the complete sketch.

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