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Gadget Lust: Laser Pointer Comes with Keyboard So You Can Create PowerPoint Decks On the Fly

Remember last year, when I told you about the 18-button mouse designed for OpenOffice users? At the time, I thought it was the strangest, most awkward-looking device I'd ever encounter.

I was wrong.

The Mini Bluetooth Keyboard with Touchpad and Laser Pointer is exactly what it sounds like: It is a laser pointer embedded in a cell phone-sized QWERTY keyboard with a built-in touchpad. That's right... it has a 72 key keyboard and a touchpad.

The whole contraption is Bluetooth enabled, which means you can use it to command a PowerPoint presentation, and even make corrections to typos on the fly, as you're standing at the podium. It's rated for about a week of battery life, and it recharges via USB. The cost? A surprisingly reasonable $45.

Unlike the OpenOffice mouse, I actually think this is a pretty smart gadget. Maybe fellow Business Hacker Rick will buy me one for Christmas. [via Gizmodo]

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