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Four Inexpensive, Easy Home Improvements

If your house sorely needs a makeover, but remodeling is beyond your reach, the DIY Network's Amy Devers, host of "DIY to the Rescue," suggests trying these four simple fixes:

Touch-up exteriors: Repainting the trim and front door of your house can significantly boost its curb appeal, Devers said. This kind of retouching work is easy on the budget and can be done in just a couple of hours.

Replace your floors: The widespread availability of affordable "floating floors" (flooring options that can be installed on top of existing boards or linoleum) makes updating the floors in your rec room or pantry a cinch. "You'll probably save a minimum $500 to $600 dollars by doing it yourself," Devers said.

Update your hardware: Switching out old light fixtures and faucets is a simple, affordable way to modernize your home. While you're at it, equip your house with fixtures that support halogen light bulbs to save money on your electricity bill.

Transform your yard: Landscaping doesn't have to break the bank. Replacing overgrown shrubs and bushes and adding some flowers for color is an economical way to add value to your home.

Many home repairs can be easily mastered by determined do-it-yourselfers, Devers said, but there are still some things best left to the experts. If you need to re-floor your entire house, contact a flooring service — and call in the electricians whenever you're dealing with circuit boards or wiring in the walls.

By Marshall Loeb

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