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Find Out What Employees are Saying About Your Company

Whether you own the company, you're a line manager with a handful of employees, or even just job hunting and considering a new position, it's good to get an idea of what employees think of the place. If you're looking for candid feedback -- the kind you can really only get from employees after they've walked out the door and/or posted online confidentially -- there are a variety of websites you can research.

Recently, MakeUseOf rounded up a slew of sites that help employees "burn bridges" with their employer. Of course, the burning bridges part is entirely optional. Here are three of the best sites you can investigate to read unfiltered accounts of what goes on behind the scenes at a company:

  • PingMyCompany lets you quickly access what employees think about their workplace with a clever "for" and "against" posting structure. When you display the results for your company, the page displays two columns -- a set of green posts on the left and red posts on the right. The green posts are filled with positive feedback, and the red are negative. It lets you quickly access the company's vibe. Even better, you can drill into specific categories like career growth, office culture, salary, and interviewing.
  • RateYourCompany takes the snapshot approach at PingMyCompany one step further and displays dashboard summaries of each company. The site scores each company in areas like salary, benefits, managers, and more, so you can instantly see how each area does on a scale of one to 10, without reading lengthy posts. But if reading is what you want, just scroll down the page, where you can read verbatim comments from employees in color-coded boxes (green is positive, red is negative). RateYourCompany even lets you send private messages directly to the folks who posted reviews.
  • Glassdoor bills itself as an "inside look" at jobs and companies. The site features salaries, reviews, and interviews. The site has both official information from many large businesses, and free-form reviews from employees. The site feel is moderated so there's an expectation that the posts stay professional.
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