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Fancy Meeting You Here

From CBS News' Ryan Corsaro:

WASHINGTON -- On the day after the reunited on the Senate floor, Hillary Clinton is on Barack Obama's tail - literally.

In addition to trailing just behind Obama in the overall delegate count, this morning both Obama and Clinton's planes were parked one behind the other as they prepared to take off at Dulles International Airport.

Reporters from both campaigns got the chance outside to shake and hands and exchange greetings -- a rare criss-crossing of camps usually reserved for debate filing rooms or primary night hotel lobbies. Both Clinton and Obama reporters dropped their bags together for screening by the same bomb-sniffing dog before separating and retiring to their planes.

Aboard Clinton's 737, stickers coat the walls, along with notes posted in duct tape, one of which reads "DON'T CALL ME AT 3AM."

Ice chests are filled with carbonated beverages and the flight attendents make the travel seem like one is headed for a Club Med vacation, despite the rigors of rallies, deadlines and network live shots waiting upon touch down.

On Obama's plane, the interior looks like a gallery with Polaroids taped up of memories from the trail, including shots of a photographer who was crammed inside an overhead luggage compartment and served a mimosa.

While there might be moments of fun while traveling, it's still serious business for the candidates, who use time on the plane to go over strategy, prepare for an upcoming speech, or take that all important catnap before the next event.

For Clinton, today she holds events in Pittsburgh, where she will be endorsed by the mayor, Luke Ravenstahl. Obama returns to Chicago today -- no events scheduled.

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