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"Face the Nation" transcript: September 25, 2011

Below is a rush transcript of "Face the Nation" on September 25, 2011, hosted by CBS News chief Washington correspondent Bob Schieffer. The guests are DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, RNC chair Reince Priebus, Moody's Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi, CBS White House correspondent Norah O'Donnell and CBS political analyst John Dickerson.

You can watch the full show by clicking on the video player above.

BOB SCHIEFFER: Today on FACE THE NATION, did I hear that right? In a weekend of stunning political developments, Barack Obama tells African-Americans to rein in the complaining and start marching.

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Stop complaining. Stop grumbling. Stop crying.

BOB SCHIEFFER: And Rick Perry and Mitt Romney may be on the cover of Newsweek but in a real shocker Herman Cain wins the Florida straw poll. In the same old, same old department another congressional gridlock puts financial aid for recent disaster victims in peril. We'll talk about all of it with the chair of the Democratic Party Debbie Wasserman Shultz, her Republican counterpart Reince Priebus, Mark Zandi the chief economist of Moody's, our chief White House correspondent Norah O'Donnell and political analyst John Dickerson who was on the scene at that big Republican debate in Florida. We've got a full plate on FACE THE NATION.

ANNOUNCER: From CBS News in Washington, FACE THE NATION with Bob Schieffer.

BOB SCHIEFFER: And good morning again. Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz is in Fort Lauderdale this morning. Reince Priebus is in Hot Springs, California. And let's get right to the news. Unemployment among African-Americans, of course, is now nearly seventeen percent. And that has caused African-American leaders to complain and complain loudly that the President is not doing enough to change it. Well last night, at a big dinner here in Washington sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus, the President responded. Did he ever? Here's part of what he said.

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. I don't have time to complain. I'm going to press on. I expect all of you to march with me and press on. Take off your bedroom slippers. Put on your marching shoes. Shake it off. Stop complaining. Stop grumbling. Stop crying. We're going to press on. We've got work to do.

BOB SCHIEFFER: So Debbie Wasserman Shultz, I got to ask you just flatly, was that good politics? I mean, how is that going to shore up his African-American base and I guess the other part, is that going to help to get independent voters in the Democratic poll this time?

REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (Chair, Democratic National Committee; D-Florida): Well Bob, first of all, very quickly, congratulations on your twentieth anniversary. And I was at the dinner last night, heard the speech, was in the midst of the crowd, and they gave the-- the President thunderous applause. The-- the-- the crowd at the Congressional Black Caucus annual gala understands that the President has brought us from the brink of disaster where Republicans under George W. Bush had brought us to the precipice of economic disaster to now a point where we have the beginning of a turn-around. We've created 2.4 million jobs in the private sector over the last eighteen months. We've got more to do? And President Obama has appealed to the-- the Congressional Black Caucus and the-- the attendees last night to close ranks, stand behind him, press on to make sure that we can continue to push for-- for things like passage of the American Jobs Act. And that's what we need Congressional Republicans to do. We need to come together as a country. We need to focus on a shot in the arm that the-- the American Jobs--

BOB SCHIEFFER (overlapping): Okay.

REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: --Act would represent. And that's what he was trying to impress upon them last night.

BOB SCHIEFFER: Well-- well, Mister Priebus, what are your thoughts on that?

REINCE PRIEBUS (Chair, Republican National Committee): Well Bob, Debbie has got a real problem this morning. And in her-- and her problem is-- is that she can't escape the facts on where we are in this American economy. And the facts are, Bob, that presidential elections are decided by the American people asking themselves the question as to whether or not they're better off today than they were three or four years ago. And here are the facts. Unemployment is at 9.1 percent. We've added four trillion dollars to the national deficit with 2.4 million people are unemployed. So, my question to the chairwoman is, can she point to one economic statistic in this country that Barack Obama has made better? And she--

BOB SCHIEFFER (overlapping): All right.


BOB SCHIEFFER: Well, let's ask her.

REINCE PRIEBUS: Can she name one?



BOB SCHIEFFER: Well, here's your chance.


REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: That-- that's ludicrous. Yes, I can point to the fact that before Barack Obama was inaugurated, we were bleeding seven hundred and fifty thousand jobs a month. And now, you fast forward-- and that was thanks to the-- the Bush administration that focused on making sure that we had two wars totally unpaid for that plunged us from a record surplus to a record deficit. Passed a prescription drug plan that while good for seniors to make sure we cover-- cover their prescription drugs unpaid for, to Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthiest most fortunate Americans unpaid for. So, the deficit that we--

REINCE PRIEBUS (overlapping): Bob--


REINCE PRIEBUS (overlapping): --people are--

REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (overlapping): --and please let me answer your question--

REINCE PRIEBUS: People are hurting in this country.

REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (overlapping): Please let me, excuse me, please--

REINCE PRIEBUS: People are hurting in this country.


BOB SCHIEFFER (overlapping): Let-- let her finish her answer.



REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: Now, two and a half years later, we have turned the corner. We are no longer dropping like a rock. Now, we are moving forward. We've had eighteen straight months of-- of job growth, added 2.4 million jobs to the private sector month after month, passed the American recovery--

BOB SCHIEFFER (overlapping): Okay.

REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: --and Reinvestment Act, save the American automobile industry which every Republican candidate for--

REINCE PRIEBUS (overlapping): Okay.

REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: --President would have let go down the tubes.

BOB SCHIEFFER (overlapping): Miss Wasserman Schultz. Let's--




REINCE PRIEBUS: Well, listen--

BOB SCHIEFFER: Quick response for that.

REINCE PRIEBUS: Uh-Huh, well, it sounds like okay, Bob, well it-- it sounds like the new--

REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (overlapping): I'm sorry, I-- I can keep going--

REINCE PRIEBUS: --slogan is no longer hope-- it sounds like the new slogan is no longer hope and change. It's-- hey, it could have been worse. Great bumper sticker, Debbie, I hope it works for you, but the reality is that Americans are hurting in this country and the reason why you're losing--

REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (overlapping): That's right, we need to work together.

REINCE PRIEBUS: --races like in New York nine and-- New York nine and all across the country. The President is upside down in your home state of Florida. He's upside down in all the battle ground states. And guess what? He's upside down in California and he's losing--


REINCE PRIEBUS: --in Massachusetts because Americans understand that this President hasn't cut it. And he has promised the world and he has delivered nothing.

BOB SCHIEFFER: All right. I want to just quickly shift because I want--

REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (overlapping): Okay, good talking points, Reince.

BOB SCHIEFFER: --to ask you about some big news down in Debbie Wasserman Shultz's home state, Mister Priebus, that happened last night. Businessman Herman Cain pulled off an upset in the latest straw poll, down there in Florida. He walloped the front runner for the Republican nomination, Rick Perry, who had campaigned hard down there and made a big point of saying he was campaigning hard and Mitt Romney who-- who didn't officially compete. Uh-huh, Mister Cain makes a great speech, but I don't see any particular segment of the Republican Party that has been behind him, Mister Priebus. What does that say about the Republican field that Herman Cain won a straw poll down there?

REINCE PRIEBUS: Well, Bob, look, I mean, these-- a lot of different candidates are winning these straw polls. Herman won a-- a couple of days ago. You know, Michele Bachmann won in Iowa. Polling shows Perry and Romney back and forth. Rick Santorum won a straw poll in Pennsylvania. I mean, I know he's from Pennsylvania, but he won that straw poll. Here's the deal. We're going to have a rigorous debate in this country on our side of the aisle. We're going to put up an articulate intelligent alternative to this President. And I think that people are hungry in this country, uh, not necessarily for all Republican answers or all Democratic answers. They're hungry for real authentic people to lead this country. And guess what they have. They have a record to-- to measure this President on and his record is--


REINCE PRIEBUS: --is Solyndra--

BOB SCHIEFFER (overlapping): Well, let me--

REINCE PRIEBUS: --which is south of me--

BOB SCHIEFFER: --just ask you this.

REINCE PRIEBUS: --where eleven hundred people lost their job in the President's--

REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (overlapping): Bob, I would like to--


BOB SCHIEFFER: Mister Priebus, let me ask you this question. Do you think this suggests that somebody else--

REINCE PRIEBUS (overlapping): Sure.

BOB SCHIEFFER: --ought to get in the Republican field maybe Chris Christie of New Jersey?

REINCE PRIEBUS: You know, listen, I-- I said before, look, I-- I'm happy with the field. I think it's a great field. And you know what? Yes, is there a time through nomination processes technically to still get in? Sure there is. I mean, it gets harder and harder as you get closer to Iowa. But listen, I mean, the fact of the matter is, is that we're having the debate on our side of the aisle. The horsepower, the excitement is on the Republican side of the aisle. And the reason why is because people in this country want to save--

BOB SCHIEFFER (overlapping): Okay.

REINCE PRIEBUS: --this country economically and this President isn't doing the trick.


BOB SCHIEFFER: Congresswoman?

REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: Bob, since I'm-- since I'm from Florida, let me weigh in on that. It doesn't much matter.

REINCE PRIEBUS (overlapping): Where the President is upside down, too.

REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: Well, excuse me. It doesn't much matter where-- where, you know, which one of the Republicans get nominated because they're all the same. This will be a very stark contrast. They are all embracing and bear hugging the Tea Party. Moving to the right, they can't move to the right far enough. No matter which candidate is nominated by the Republican Party, they all favor privatizing Social Security, which would pull the safety net out from under our seniors. They all favor ending Medicare as we know it and embrace the Ryan plan to turn it into a voucher program. They-- they all are wrong--

REINCE PRIEBUS (overlapping): Right. And--

REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: --on immigration reform when it comes to-- when it comes to Hispanics in the states. So as a Floridian, I can assure you, Mister Priebus, that when it comes to the dramatic contrast between Barack Obama and his-- and his notion that we should preserve Social Security and Medicare, that we should make sure that we acknowledge that there is an immigration problem and we should come together around comprehensive reform--

REINCE PRIEBUS (overlapping): Well, Bob, let me--


REINCE PRIEBUS (overlapping): --Bob, let me respond to that.


REINCE PRIEBUS: Let me respond to that.

REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: Not until I finish. My state will go until-- in the win column for President Obama again because the extremists in the Tea Party control your party. And it-- and this is the second debate in a row now.

REINCE PRIEBUS (overlapping): Debbie, we-- we only have twelve--


REINCE PRIEBUS: --we only have twelve minutes here, Debbie.

REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: --that you can embrace the-- the candidates that are there now because you know all of them are wrong for America.

BOB SCHIEFFER: All right. One-- one last response--

REINCE PRIEBUS (overlapping): Bob--

BOB SCHIEFFER: --from you, Mister Priebus.

REINCE PRIEBUS: You bet. You bet. Here-- here is the problem. In spite of all those words, her problem is-- is that in spite of all of this hyperbole, the President is now losing in Florida. And-- and you know, you could-- you can talk hypotheticals all day long. But guess what. Debbie and the party and the congressional committee on the Democratic side tried all of this in New York-9 in a heavily Democratic district and guess what. They lost. So this has already been tested in a Democratic district. These talking points have been tested.

REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (overlapping): It was tested in a Republican district in New York-26.

REINCE PRIEBUS: And they're losing and they're imploding.


REINCE PRIEBUS: They're imploding. And their base is imploding.

REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (overlapping): All across the country--

REINCE PRIEBUS: Hispanics are on board.

REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (overlapping): All across the country--

REINCE PRIEBUS: African-Americans are leaving the President.

REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (overlapping): --voters reject ending Medicare as we know it.

REINCE PRIEBUS: His base isn't there, Bob. And that's his problem.

BOB SCHIEFFER: All right. I could just let the both of you just keep on going here because you're--

REINCE PRIEBUS (overlapping): We are probably--

BOB SCHIEFFER: --you're talking together, separately and so on. And thank you both for being with us this morning.


BOB SCHIEFFER: Obviously, a conversation--

REINCE PRIEBUS (overlapping): God bless you, Bob.

BOB SCHIEFFER: --to-- to be continued. Back in a minute with a little perspective from our roundtable.


BOB SCHIEFFER: And joining us now all in the studio, Mark Zandi, who is the chief economy-- economist for Moody's Analytics, White House correspondent Norah O'Donnell and our political analyst John Dickerson who was our man on the scene at the big Republican debate in Florida. Mister Zandi, I want to start with you. There was another big drop, seven hundred points I think it was in the stock market last week. And the news was pretty grim about the financial situation of the European governments. Do you think we're in recession?

MARK ZANDI (Chief Economist, Moody's Analytics): No. We're still growing. But the recession risks are very high. Given what happened in the stock market last week, given what's going on in Europe, I'd put the odds of recession in the next six, nine months at almost even. And-- and you can see the risks in the job market. We're barely creating any jobs at all. And at this rate of job growth, unemployment will rise. That will undermine confidence. People will pull back and we'll be in recession. So this is not a sustainable situation. We've got to turn this around.

BOB SCHIEFFER: S&P, of course, downgraded the U.S. financial securities the last time around in part because their analysts said politics was tarnishing our financial credibility in this country. I point out that Moody's, your company did not. And you're not one of the raters. You're-- you're the economist there. But do you see this new gridlock because now we have Congress in yet another gridlock. The government is on a precipice again of having to be shut down because they can't agree on a financial plan. The worst part of all is that unless they reach some agreement this week, it's my understanding that the aid to disaster victims from the recent weather disasters could find themselves cut off from disaster relief. Do you think that increases the risk that we may see another downgrading here?

MARK ZANDI: Yeah, sure. Absolutely. I mean, I think the political vitriol, the spectacle that occurred here in Washington this spring and summer did tremendous damage. I mean, I think the economy at the beginning of the year had a lot of potential. We were creating a couple hundred thousand jobs per month. Unemployment was coming down. And then we went through this mess. And it just eviscerated confidence. And-- and people were already nervous because of what we've all been-- been through. It's been very difficult. But this just undermined it so completely. And we've-- we're not pulling back yet. That would be recession. If businesses started laying off more workers, that would be recession. But they certainly have frozen and it's because of the political environment. So the key to turning this around in the next few months is policy-makers need to get it together and they needed-- they need to act. Federal Reserve needs to act. And fortunately they did last week. But Congress and the administration have to get it together.

BOB SCHIEFFER: What do you see as the politics of this, John?

JOHN DICKERSON (CBS News Political Analyst): Well, the politics is that, you know, you listen to the debate we just had and you look at the way people think about this country and they look to Washington and they don't like what the President is doing, they don't like what Congress is doing. We have a situation or used to have where members of Congress; people would say we don't like Congress but we like our individual members of Congress. That's not so much the case anymore. People are in an unfocused angry mood. And that's-- that's attaching to the President, but it's also attaching to candidates. They are unhappy with the prospects of what's out there and they look to Washington and all they get is more unhappy.

NORAH O'DONNELL (Chief White House Correspondent): Mm-Hm.

BOB SCHIEFFER: The noted political analyst Charlie Cook said we may be reaching a point here where it's just throw out everybody that the voters recognize their name on the ballot. Do you see a big upheaval coming here?

JOHN DICKERSON: Well, absolutely. And you look at-- at the Republican race right now. I mean, if you're a politician-- Herman Cain, you know, he won the straw poll. Well, why impart? Because he's not a politician. That means people like his message. He's not associated with Washington. It also means he doesn't have a record. Rick Perry has a problem with immigration. Mitt Romney has a problem with health care. You talk to voters in Orlando as I did. They mentioned those two things. So people find something wrong with each politician which means they've got a reason to get rid of them. Party loyalty isn't what it used to be. If you're associated with Washington, it's a bad thing to be.

BOB SCHIEFFER: Norah, I have to ask you why did the President make this speech? We know he's been getting a lot of heat from his base, his core support--African-Americans. But telling them to stop crying, stop whining. That's pretty strong stuff. What-- why was he compelled to do that?

NORAH O'DONNELL: Incredibly strong. And I think this White House has heard from African-American leaders and others that they feel like they've been taken for granted. So the White House is trying to turn the page and try and give them more attention. Maxine Waters publicly said we're tired. Emanuel Cleaver who is the chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, he called that budget compromise that Obama was trying to do with Boehner. He called that Satan's sandwich, remember that? So clearly the President not only has been trying to court them behind the scenes, but then publicly saying stop crying, stop complaining. This White House is concerned. It's not just a problem with independents that they're having. They have a problem with their base to some degree that feels left out. And if you look at the segments of this country that have been hardest hit by the economy, African-Americans, Hispanics, unmarried women, young people. Those are all part of the President's base. And they're really having a tough time with this economy.

BOB SCHIEFFER: John, I want to go back to this debate. It was just fascinating that the Republicans had down there in Florida. Bill Kristol, who I would think is one of the leading Republican strategists and-- and commentators on Republican affairs talking about Rick Perry in this debate said-- these are his words-- no front runner in a presidential field has ever had as weak a showing as Rick Perry. It was close to what he called a disqualifying two hours for Perry. You see some of the pundits are now calling Rick Perry Texas Toast. Is it that bad for Perry?

JOHN DICKERSON: It's bad for two reasons. On the style points, he was bumbling. His answers were unclear. There was a foreign policy question on Pakistan. He seemed to be just kind of making it up as he went along. But that stuff is maybe only bad in an appearance sense. In a policy sense, he was on the defensive on a number of fronts. The biggest problem was immigration. He supported a measure in Texas to allow the children of undocumented workers to get lower in-state tuition. Perry defended that using what is his pitch, which is, "I'm a truth teller. I'm going to tell you what I believe." But when he defended it, he said anybody who thinks that these children should be penalized through no fault of their own, I don't think you have a heart, he said. You can disagree on immigration. He attacked, in that case, people with his own party who care a lot about immigration, attacked them in-- in their heart. What he's done is he's given them something to be angry about and talk to their friends and say, "Did you hear what Rick Perry said?" And repeat this line. That so he create-- that creates a larger group of people who are angry. That's a problem because it continues on. And that's one of his biggest problems after this debate.

BOB SCHIEFFER: Norah, they must have been absolutely delighted at the White House. They don't get much good news over there lately. They must have really been delighted with this.

NORAH O'DONNELL: That's right. And in fact, one senior advisor to the President said to me, "For a guy who runs with a gun, he can't seem to get it out of his holster" meaning Rick Perry. And I think they see these-- these debates as definitional. They see and they claim that this is going to motivate their own base and even motivate independents. So they're sort of sitting back and watching the Republicans duke it out and saying this is actually good. It helps define and help the President who really hasn't had an opponent and tried to use Congress as his foil. And now the Republicans not only seem to be having a problem but also the Republican leadership seems unhappy with the field.

JOHN DICKERSON: And that Bill Kristol article, you mentioned, gets to the-- this very idea which is, they look at the President and they see somebody who is so vulnerable, and-- and they say, you know, this is our shot.


JOHN DICKERSON: And we've got nobody up there who can do it. So Mister Kristol was asking for Chris Christie, the governor of New Jersey to come jump in the race. That's a bit of a pipe dream. But they're in the business of pipe dreams because they look at the candidates out there. And they've got a problem with-- with each of them. And this is a fight in the Republican Party between the candidates who might be electable beating Barack Obama and those who are true believers and the party is sorting itself out and who they're going to pick.

BOB SCHIEFFER: You know, I-- I don't know if Chris Christie is or isn't going to run. But I am sure hearing a lot of Republicans saying we wish he would run. Would he be a tough candidate for the President, Norah? Do you think?

NORAH O'DONNELL: I think so. I think they're actually most worried still, though, about Mitt Romney because Mitt Romney as a general election candidate could have more appeal to independent voters. There have been some in the White House that have long said they doubted that Rick Perry could get out of a primary. I mean, we'll have to wait and see. I think Rick Perry at least is better suited in terms of passion and style with the current Republican primary electorate clearly than Mitt Romney, um, but he is bumbling on-- in the debates and--

BOB SCHIEFFER: If-- if-- if you had to make just a guess-- and we'll label it as nothing more than that, John, do you think Chris Christie is going to get in?

JOHN DICKERSON: Boy, I don't know. You know, you get-- there is inklings that he's maybe inching back towards. He said I'm not getting in. Inklings, he is moving back towards. The thing everybody should keep in mind is-- is Rick Perry is showing us how hard it to just jump in a race.


JOHN DICKERSON: It is a grueling thing. You get attacked all day long. You got a lot of people who want everything from you. And when you start getting specific, it turns out you start disappointing some people. It's a hard thing to get in.

BOB SCHIEFFER: All right. We have to let it go right there. I'll be back in a minute with some final thoughts.


BOB SCHIEFFER: Finally today, when Lamar Alexander, the genial Senator from Tennessee, announced last week that he would give up his position in the Republican Senate leadership at the end of the year, it was a rare event--people here seldom give up power. His reason was also a little out of the ordinary. He said it would liberate him to work on issues he cared the most about. You can't really blame him. The gridlock runs so deep, even those involved can't stand it anymore. Alexander is a dyed-in-the-wool Republican, but he still practices a skill that's become almost as rare as giving up power. Time and again, he's worked on finding compromises with Democrats to break legislative log jams. He told Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post, "If I could get a hundred percent Republican solutions, I'd do it. But you need sixty votes to pass anything in the Senate, so you have to find coalitions.

It is not exactly a reassuring comment on government when someone feels they have to leave a leadership position and relinquish power to get anything done. But such is the sad state of government these days. I wish the liberated Senator Alexander well. Who knows? With the mess we're in, he may be on to something.

Back in a minute.


BOB SCHIEFFER: And that's it for us today. Thank you a lot for watching. We'll see you right here next week on FACE THE NATION.

ANNOUNCER: This broadcast was produced by CBS News, which is solely responsible for the selection of today's guests and topics.

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