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Elton John Humbled By Honor

For Elton John, 2004 brought a new record ("Peachtree Road"), two forthcoming musicals, and more than 60 new songs. But at this year's Kennedy Center Honors, it was his past that really took the spotlight.

While John might be best known to some for his larger-than-life personality, it was for his music that he was honored at the Kennedy Center.

Actor Robert Downey Jr. says he has three thoughts on John: "The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, genius. The second, on a more personal note, is lifesaver. And I got third thought. See how this bills. I don't know. The other first lady. I don't know, see how it sits."

Elton John is "rock royalty," Chen exclaims. But that doesn't mean he can't be humbled: "The (Kennedy Center) honor was a bolt from the blue," John reveals to The Early Show co-anchor Julie Chen. "I feel such an affection for this country that to be honored by it in such a way is kind of like the icing on the cake. …This is the country that made me a star."

In 1970, John's "Your Song" shot to the top of the Billboard charts, a place that was to become a home for him for decades to come. Along with his songwriting partner Bernie Taupin, John produced hit after hit, and a persona right along with them.

Asked by Chen where his sense of style came from, John replied, "You know, it went from one ridiculous outfit to another. And I was stuck behind my piano. And you have to realize, I wasn't Mick Jagger and I wasn't David Bowie. I wasn't Freddy Mercury. I wasn't Rod Stewart. I wasn't moving around the stage. But I wanted to have fun as well. So I took the costumes far too far.

Did he feel like he had to constantly outdo himself?

"In a way, yes. And I did take it too far. And there were a lot of detractors who said it took away from the music. But it was a helluva lot of fun. And the music stood up for itself."

At the Kennedy Center, Fantasia, Billy Joel and Kid Rock performed John songs. "It's the first time I've ever been to an awards ceremony where I don't have to do anything," he remarked.

Of course, notes Chen, it's not just John's music that gets him attention.

She wondered what he'd say to critics who "have jumped on your case for being cranky lately."

"I haven't been cranky," he asserted. "I just said Madonna lip-synched. And that's -- you know -- it's an open secret. …And I made my apologies to Madonna. …Maybe I shouldn't have singled her out."

"What she did say when you apologized?" Chen wanted to know.

"I haven't," John responded. "I've only apologized in print. I haven't spoken to her or written to her or anything like that. …We'll meet some day. I put a little note on my Christmas card to her saying, 'Grovel, grovel.'"

But in the end, Chen says, what's best loved about John is his very positive, if sometimes outrageous, celebration of life.

The Kennedy Center Honors will be broadcast on CBS-TV on Dec. 21.

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