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Egypt, Immigration and SFO crash dominate "Face the Nation"

(CBS News) - "It was a coup," said Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., of the Egyptian Military's removal of President Mohammed Morsi. Appearing on "Face the Nation" Sunday, McCain called the turnover "a strong indicator of the lack of American leadership and influence." PoliticoThe Washington PostThe HillFox News and RTT News all picked up on this bite.

The Arizona Republican also called for the U.S. to suspend aid to Egypt.

"Reluctantly, I believe that we have to suspend aid until such time as there is a new constitution and a free and fair election," he told Major Garrett, who filled in for Bob Schieffer Sunday.

Turning to domestic affairs, McCain weighed in on immigration reform, pushing for the House to use a bipartisan approach.

"We hope and pray that our Republican colleagues will take up the issue, and we can join together, Republicans and Democrats," he said. Read Politico for more of what McCain had to say about immigration.

Later in the program, Rep. Mike McCaul, R-Texas, the Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said the Senate bill was "not a responsible plan."

"In the House, we're going to do our own thing," he said.

Like many House Republicans, McCaul takes issue with the Senate bill's proposed solution to securing the border.

"I have some concerns about the border security piece that was laid out in the Senate bill, in terms of throwing $46 billion at a problem without any plan, without any strategy, without any definition of operational control," he explained.

"What the Senate just passed was, again, a bunch of, you know, candy thrown down there, a bunch of assets thrown down there to gain votes, but without a methodical, smart border approach."

PoliticoThe HillThe Daily Caller, and The Huffington Post all ran headlines with McCaul's sweet metaphor.

Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-Calif., appearing later in the program, also voiced concern over aspects of the Senate bill that in his view "threw money at the problem," but dismissed the piece-by-piece approach advocated by McCaul and other Republican leaders in the House.

"If the machine is broken, you've got lots of broken parts. If you fix one part, it doesn't mean the machine is going to work well," Becera said.

Becerra, Chair of the House Democratic Caucus, suggested timing was a concern for the bill's progress.

"I hope that we would do it sooner rather than later," he told Garrett. "Once you start in 2014, it's all politics."

Read more about our conversation with McCaul and Becerra at Washington PostThe Wall Street Journal, and The Huffington Post.

Turning to the breaking news story of the weekend, NTSB Chair Deborah Hersman updated Garrett on the Asiana Air flight 214 that crashed upon landing Saturday, killing two passengers. While Hersman refused to speculate regarding the cause of the crash, her conversation with Garrett got picked up by The Boston GlobeNewsmaxThe Richmond Times Dispatch and The San Jose Mercury News. Hersman expressed relief that the airplane's black boxes were recovered in very good condition.

"The black boxes are really important to our investigators," she explained. "The cockpit voice recorder can give us insight into what's going on with the crew in the cockpit. The flight data recorders can give us insight into what's happening with the aircraft."

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