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Dump Useless Twitter Followers with ManageFlitter

A couple days ago you learned how to track your social-network impact with a service called BackType. Today, let's focus on the social juggernaut that is Twitter and a cool way to tweak your account.

Free service ManageFlitter provides insight into your Twitter followers. Specifically, it helps you manage who you follow, determine which users aren't following you back, locate inactive accounts, search tweets, and more.

To get started, all you do is give ManageFlitter permission to access your Twitter account. In mere seconds it'll list all the people you follow who aren't following you in return (which violates an unspoken Twitter rule).

You can also filter the results to see followers who have no profile image, haven't tweeted in the last 30 days (and therefore might be worth unfollowing), tweet more than five times per day, and so on.

It's interesting, potentially enlightening information, especially for anyone who uses Twitter as a marketing tool. And ManageFlitter makes it easy to unfollow selected users (though its recommendation engine seems a little silly, as it merely shows who has been unfollowed by others).

Definitely worth a look.

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