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Donald Trump schedules stop at Liberty University

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at a convocation on Jan. 18 at Liberty University, the Christian college founded by Rev. Jerry Falwell.

The campaign stop at the conservative institution is scheduled for two weeks ahead of the first Iowa caucuses.

The billionaire businessman currently lags in the polls behind Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in the early-nomination state, where evangelical Christians make up a significant voting bloc.

Several presidential contenders have made appearances at the Lynchburg, Virginia campus, including Ben Carson, who also spoke at a convocation, and Jeb Bush who delivered their commencement address last year.

Cruz, the first candidate to throw his hat into the 2016 ring, launched his presidential campaign from Liberty. Democratic hopeful Bernie Sanders, who is Jewish, has also courted voters at the Evangelical school.

Attendance at the school's convocations are mandatory for undergraduate students. The speeches frequently draw crowds of thousands.

Trump is also expected to visit Vermont, Iowa, Nevada, and South Carolina over the next few weeks.

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