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Donald Trump: "Being second is terrible"

According to the latest CBS News poll, Dr. Ben Carson has pushed ahead of Donald Trump
CBS News poll: Ben Carson pulls ahead of Trump 08:55

In a new a CBS News/New York Times Poll, Dr. Ben Carson knocks Donald Trump out of the top spot nationally and leads the Republican field in the race for the nomination.

Twenty-six percent of Republican primary voters back Carson, giving him a four-point edge over Trump (22 percent). Support for Carson has quadrupled since August.

Trump was campaigning Tuesday night in Sioux City, Iowa, when he asked the crowd to help him with his poll numbers.

"Iowa, will you get your numbers up, please?" Trump asked the cheering crowd. "Will you get these numbers up? I promise you I will do such a good job. First of all, I am a great Christian. And I am. Remember that."

Trump continues by saying this is ridiculous, " all fairness, what is my competition?"

To see what else the GOP presidential candidate had to say, watch the video above.

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