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Do Working Dads Want More Leave?

The UK's working fathers may have the chance to share leave with their spouses, but how many would take it? Not many, if the recent Orange survey on paternity leave is anything to judge by.

When asked if they'd take advantage of expected changes to UK regulation, which would allow fathers to take over from working mums halfway through a year's leave, only 18 percent of working men said yes.

The biggest disadvantage to taking proposed paternity leave (which is due to take effect in April 2011) is money, but 15 percent feel they are too important to their business to spend six months away. But there's a cultural pull, too, to remain at work, with 'presenteeism' a bigger issue since the recession made redundancies a reality in some organisations. Of course it all depends on your circumstances. There are plenty of businesses where your productivity is still measured by time spent at your desk, and sectors where it's hard to imagine working fathers encouraged to take paternity leave.

Even so, a large majority (79 percent) would take advantage of flexible working arrangements, were they on offer. So is it the office culture that dictates whether dads take advantage of paternity leave -- or would they really rather not? Share your views with us.

(Photo: andrew_j_w, CC2.0)

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