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Display Tweets in PowerPoint, Send PowerPoint Notes to Twitter

Any public speaker will tell you that the secret to a great presentation is interacting with your audience. When you think about presentations, Twitter might not be the first thing that springs to mind, but don't dismiss the idea out of hand. Imagine a world in which you could tweet your PowerPoint notes in real time to your audience as you delivered a presentation. Or display tweeted feedback from the attendees within slides? Take a poll and display the results during the presentation? It's all possible.

You can find a collection of free PowerPoint Twitter tools at the SAP Web 2.0 Web site. There are eight different goodies here, and each one is a potential tool in your presentation toolkit. Here are some of the highlights:

PowerPoint Twitter Feedback Slides is a PowerPoint add-on that allows you to insert tweet clouds full of audience comments anywhere within a presentation. If you're not excited at the idea of displaying just anything in a deck without seeing it first, you can even configure it as a moderated feed.

PowerPoint Twitter Ticker Bar integrates tweets even deeper into your presentation by allowing you to incorporate a real time ticker-style Twitter bar at the bottom of your slides, which displays the last ten tweets that match a particular search string.

PowerPoint Twitter Voting does just what it sounds like -- it lets you display the results of an audience poll on a PowerPoint slide, with results tallied through votes on Twitter. You can show the results as a bar or pie chart.

PowerPoint Auto Tweet lets you push PowerPoint notes out to your audience via Twitter in real time, as you flip to each side. You can control what goes out, since you need to wrap an tweeted notes in /twitter tags.

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