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Creative Sales Tool: The Video Calling Card

For decades salespeople have included a photo on their business cards. The idea, of course, was to give prospects a way to remember you, and to make sure they know that you've got a sunny smile and (presumably) the sunny disposition that goes along with it.

As interactions with customers have moved onto the web, those same photos pop up on email signatures, social networking sites, and so forth. That's all well and good, but the cool thing about the Internet is that you can do much more.

Here's an example of a video "calling card" that rather neatly encapsulates what this particular sales pro (Doug Bevins, a local insurance agent) is all about. I understand that he does a lot of lead generation and nurturing via email and is using the calling card to give his prospects an idea of what he's like and what it will be like working with him.

I'm sure that Bevins is not the first person to use video in this way, but what I find interesting about the is that this isn't a corporate initiative; it's something that Bevins decided to do himself and then, later, get corporate approval to distribute. That shows a lot of moxie and creativity -- both good things to have in a crowded market like insurance sales.

So check it out... it's quite short.

If you're interested in doing something like this, you might want to contact Paul Bosch of Duce Productions, the producer/director of the video. It's my understanding that he does work for clients through the New England area and can provide recommendations for other regions.

If you do go forward, here are some suggestions, based partly upon my observations about the video above, partly upon my conversation with Bosch, and partly upon common sense:

  • Keep it short. It's an introduction, not a instructional video.
  • Hire a pro. If you're a pro, your video must look professional.
  • Don't skimp. Plan on spending about $1000.
  • Be conversational. Video your personality, not your pitch.
  • No biz-blab. Don't use industry jargon and buzzwords.
  • Make it automatic. Link your video into your email signature.
  • Post it everywhere. Make sure your social networks can see it.
  • Don't expect too much. It won't go viral, but it will help sell.
READERS: I'm interested seeing more stuff like this, so if you've got a video calling card, go ahead and leave a comment with a link.
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