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Brendon Burchard: Make a Difference (and a Fortune!) Sharing Your Advice

What if you could make money doing what you already know and what you're passionate about doing? We're all experts at something. Everyone has their own abilities, skills, and unique life experiences that they can share with others. Why not make a business out of it?

In the following interview, Brendon Burchard lays the groundwork for becoming an expert entrepreneur with advice from his New York Times bestseller, The Millionaire Messenger.

Take the first steps towards becoming an expert entrepreneur! Ask yourself what topics and audiences:

1. You are passionate about.
2. You want to learn about.
3. You'd like to serve.
Now listen to the full Brendon Burchard interview to learn the step-by-step process to making money through doing what you love!

Here's an excerpt from Brandon's interview:

Robert: And I guarantee you, anyone who is reading this or listening to this is saying, "Yes! Yes, this is exactly what I would love to do!" but some of them may be thinking, "Well, okay. I want to do it but, again, what can I be an expert in?" Do you have any kind of tips or questions someone might ask themselves if they're sort of struggling with this idea of sort of their story and their expertise? Do you have anything that maybe could help them draw out what they could be an expert in?

Brendon: Yeah. One of the easiest ways I found, especially in working with a lot of boomers who come to Experts Academy (the baby boomer generation is the majority of our audience), a lot of them are looking for a second career, or a new beginning, or they're looking for just more meaningful types of work. And what we found over and over, to ask just this simple question: What do you do now? And then, who else wants to do that, that you could teach? So, for example Robert, you're a very successful guy in what you do, especially in let say, you know, being a columnist for CBS Money Watch. Okay. Think about this, how many other people in the world would love to be a columnist for a major media outlet?

Every kid in journalism in the world would love to learn how to do that. But that's something you just do. That's what you do, and I would say, "Dude, let's start there. Let's package what you know about being a successful columnist, from how do you get with major media to how do you write great columns, to how do you stay with, it to how do you create user feedback and get the community really engaged with your articles, to how do you get these experts on the phone in the first place, Robert?"

Those things that you just do, if you put that together in a DVD program, let's say, for $97 to teach people how to do that. Well, if you sold a 100 of those a month, that's $9700 of income a month just teaching what you already do and know to people who want to learn how to do the same.

Robert: That's a great strategy, to figure out what it is that you currently doing and that, again, I think for a lot of people they think, "Oh, well, you know, it's no big deal. It's easy. I just do it." You know, you don't even think about it.

Be sure to listen to the full Brendon Burchard interview on Richer Life Insights.

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