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Analyst: In Praise Of Yahoo's Flat Market Share

This story was written by Joseph Tartakoff.

In a report today, Citigroup Analyst Mark Mahaney presents Yahoo (NSDQ: YHOO) as a "turnaround story"and his thesis is premised on the idea that in a "fluid" competitive landscape, flat market share is actually something to brag about for a big internet portal. Mahaney notes that Yahoo's share of total time spent on the internet hasn't changed much over the last three years, unlike Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT) and AOL (NYSE: TWX), which have both experienced a "pretty consistent decline." So what sites have seen their share rise? Mahaney mentions Google (NSDQ: GOOG) and we'll add social-networking sites (via a Nielsen report). Mahaney notes that Yahoo has been able to retain its position in major categories, like sports, news, finance and mailand has now held its share of the search market constant for much of the last year.

The trends, after the jump.

By Joseph Tartakoff

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