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Advertising Roundup: AdAge's A-List, Google's Negotiating Tactics, and More

AdAge names its A-List -- No magazine has been immune to the downturn in ad pages. Nevertheless, AdAge found ten standout publications that are bucking industry trends. [Source: AdAge pdf download]

General Mills, Kraft launch "word-of-mouth networks" -- Even food companies are jumping on the social networking bandwagon. General Mills launched and Kraft started, both of which promote new products, offer coupons, and solicit feedback from members. In a move intended to ward off potential litigation, General Mills requires members to disclose their status as "marketers." [Source: Brandweek]

How Google got into TV -- MediaPost digs into how Google negotiated its TV ad deals with NBC and Bloomberg, and convinced the networks to trade their traditional sales processes for the online autction model. [Source: MediaPost]

Business show viewers grow, ad dollars stagnate -- Typically, financial news shows attract a small, "elite" audience that warrants premium CPMs. But even though more consumers than ever are glued to their TVs to watch the daily drama on Wall Street, advertisers aren't buying. [Source: Broadcasting & Cable]

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