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8 One-Liners Worth Remembering

It's time to become a master of the one-liner. No, not jokes, but simple, to-the-point sentences, the kind that make for truly effective communication. So says, which offers 8 of these useful bursts of verbal acuity. Here are a couple highlights:

  • Susan, Susan Thompson. The repetition of your first name twice is very effective. This subtle repetition of one key name (and it might be your last name that you want folks to remember) plants it firmly in the mind of the person you are shaking hands with or speaking to on the phone.
  • I've heard some great things about you. We all like to be famous, even if it's fleeting or with a small group of people. Letting someone know that they're liked by others is an important way of getting them to like you. They become instantly curious as if to say, "Can I have a list of those great things?"
Personally, I can't use that first tip without thinking, "I'm Forrest, Forrest Gump," and cracking up, but the other items are definitely worth remembering. To Lifehack's list I would add, "I appreciate that." It's something I love hearing, and I've conditioned myself to say it in reply to a compliment or nice gesture. What one-liners work best for you?
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