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3 Reasons to Buy Google Storage Right Now

Interesting things are afoot in the world of Google Docs. The big news today: You'll soon be able to upload, store, and organize any kind of file -- not just the usual documents, spreadsheets, and the like. In other words, Google Docs is about to become full-fledged cloud storage.

As a Gmail user, you're already entitled to 1GB of free storage, and you can upload files as large as 250MB. Needless to say, if you have a lot of big files, you'll burn through your limit in short order. Fortunately, you can buy more, and you should. Here are three reasons why:

  1. It's cheap, arguably some of the cheapest online storage on the planet. Prices start at $5 per year for 20GB.
  2. If you spring for 200GB of storage (an outright steal at $50/year, IMHO), you get a free 4GB Eye-Fi card, one of my favorite gadgets. (It's worth $70 all by itself.) I don't know how much longer Google will be running this promotion, so I'd hop on it quickly.
  3. It's business-friendly: Google's shared folders feature makes it easy to share selected files with co-workers, colleagues, etc.
I'm not saying Google Docs is the best online-storage solution out there -- services like and Dropbox exceed it in certain areas -- but it's definitely worth the investment for anyone looking to archive, access, move, and share files.

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