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15 Things You Should Never Wear to Work

We're all professionals here, right? So what's with the coffee-stained tie, Fred? And the wild, wacky fingernails, Frieda? Is that really the impression you want to make on customers, co-workers, and, most importantly, management?

Over at MSN Careers, there's an oldie-but-goodie article on what not to wear to work. The author lists 15 items that should never, ever make an appearance in the office. Here are the first five:

1. Underwear as outerwear. Camisoles or visible bra straps and lingerie scream "eek!" not "chic!"

2. Workout gear. Save your muscle shirts and spandex for the gym.

3. Soiled, stained or rumpled clothing. Neatness counts. Better to wear less expensive clothing that is immaculately cleaned and pressed than to sport designer grunge.

4. Shorts. Whether of the Bermuda or Daisy Duke variety, wearing shorts to work is just plain wrong.

5. Tattoos. Celebrities like Angelina Jolie have made tattoos seem almost mainstream, but many people are still put off by them. Best to keep yours under wraps or disguised with a heavy spray-on makeup made expressly to conceal tattoos.

And I don't care if your office expressly allows casual attire -- it's just plain wrong to walk around in old t-shirts or sweatshirts. That's right, I'm talking to you, Dave.

What workplace-attire offenses have you encountered -- or, if you're being honest, committed? Let's hear some horror stories in the comments. Photo by Victoria Williams.

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