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10 Things Good Managers Believe

John Mackey, Whole FoodsThe other day, I took on a post by Stanford professor Bob Sutton, author of The No Asshole Rule, called 12 Things Good Bosses Believe. Contrary to Sutton's view that the business world revolves around the needs of each and every employee, I actually think managers are paid to run companies.

As a CEO, board member, shareholder, or even as an enlightened employee, I would want my managers to focus on far more than just making their employees feel engaged, acknowledged, and empowered. What good is all that if the company flops because nobody's paying attention to customers and the business?

To that end, here's my list of 10 Things Good Managers Believe

  1. My overriding priority is to help my company achieve its strategic and operating goals by facilitating the efficient flow of business and decision-making.
  2. It's my job to behave like a mature adult by being genuine and empathetic with my own and other's issues, especially when everyone else is acting out like spoiled children.
  3. If I don't work my tail off and be hands-on when necessary, I can't expect anybody else to do it either.
  4. It's challenging but nevertheless critical to provide genuine feedback, both positive and negative, to my employees, peers, and management, and request the same from them.
  5. Compromising my ethical principles in the name of "the ends justify the means," or for any other reason, is unacceptable.
  6. It's my job to promote my team's accomplishments and take the heat for their failures.
  7. I need to provide my employees with the tools, training, and support they need to be effective, instead of setting unachievable goals and setting them up for failure.
  8. I shouldn't just "promote" a can-do, customer service attitude, but actually "walk the talk" when it comes to supporting customers and stakeholders.
  9. It's important to entrust my employees with as much responsibility as their capabilities will allow, and to hold them accountable for the same.
  10. I need to strike a balance between shielding my folks from the ripples of dysfunctional management and openly communicating events that may affect them.
You know, successful executives and managers do far more than treat their employees with respect. They offer a work environment where people feel challenged, do their best, and are held accountable for meeting their commitments. But most importantly, they're key components in an organization that exists to serve its customers and shareholders. We're all happiest working for a successful company.

That's what I think. Now, what do you think good managers believe?

Also check out: Aspiring Managers: Learn to Behave Like Adults
Image of John Mackey courtesy Whole Foods

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