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10 Insane Schwarzenegger TV Ads

With California having all sorts of budget problems, their iconoclastic governor, former film star Arnold Schwarzenegger, is in the news, trying to sell his policies to a reluctant state legislature.

Despite his background, the governator (as he's sometimes called) has a fairly low-key sales approach when it comes to politics. I think he's making a big mistake, though, in repressing his more natural selling instincts.

Turns out that Arnold was once one of Japan's most popular pitchmen -- showing an enthusiasm that might work better than his current approach.

I've set the post up so that you vote Aye or Nay on each commercial.

BTW, the ads get more surreal, the further you get into the post. And the final ad is the proverbial doozy.

Click here for the first insane Arnold TV ad»
Are those "V"s for political victory in the future?...

Click here for the next insane Arnold TV ad»
Hmmm... Apparently he also gets pumped up with coffee drinks...

Click here for the next insane Arnold TV ad»
This one is relatively sedate. Think of it as something of a bland tasting item in a ten course meal whose main purpose is to cleanse the palette for more adventurous things to come...

Click here for the next insane Arnold TV ad»

Is this a campaign commercial? No, it's an ad for DirectTV...

Click here for the next insane Arnold TV ad»
Who would have thought there'd be commercial value in a showing a future governor floating in the can...

Click here for the next insane Arnold TV ad»
He looks almost regal, dressed up like a shogun, eh...

Click here for the next insane Arnold TV ad»
Maybe this woman has been watching too many Terminator movies...

Click here for the next insane Arnold TV ad»
Considering California's current financial problems, here's a potential solution...

Click here for the next insane Arnold TV ad»
This one's not from Japan, but as everyone knows, California does have problems with illegal immigration. Is this Arnold's new solution...

Click here for the final insane Arnold TV ad»
NUMBER 1 When Arnold originally ran for governor, there were endless jokes about his movie "The Running Man." Perhaps jokes about "The Laughing Man" would have been more appropriate...

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