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Woman charged in MacArthur Causeway screwdriver attack will be admitted to the hospital for observation

Woman charged in MacArthur Causeway screwdriver attack will be admitted to the hospital
Woman charged in MacArthur Causeway screwdriver attack will be admitted to the hospital 01:50

MIAMI - The 26-year-old woman who was caught on camera attacking two men with a screwdriver on the MacArthur Causeway said it was one of their actions that caused her to lash out.

Acklynn Biagumisha is charged with two counts of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and 2 counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in Monday's incident.

Wednesday morning she posted the $10,000 bond. She will be taken from the county jail to Jackson Memorial Hospital where she will be involuntarily admitted under the Baker Act for observation.

The Florida Highway Patrol report from Monday said BIagumisha got into a confrontation with Freddy Diaz and his father after she said Diaz rear-ended her black BMW which was stopped, partially blocking the right lane on the eastbound causeway. Diaz's father showed up shortly after the crash.

Biagumisha told investigators that after Diaz's father grabbed her, threatened her, and pulled her hair, she went to his vehicle, grabbed a screwdriver and a Windex bottle, and sprayed them both in the face.

According to the incident report, "Byamugisha then physically began walking towards Diaz and his father in an aggressive manner."

Diaz then got between Byamugisha and his father, who was on the phone, as she made stabbing gestures with the screwdriver.

The trio struggled briefly before the men pushed away from her. She followed, pointing the screwdriver at them. She then charged them and Diaz fell to the ground. As they struggled, his father tried to pull her off of him.

A third man then arrived and pulled her off the two men. He was able to back her away from them as Diaz and his father walked off in the opposite direction.

Fortunately, no one was seriously injured in this incident.

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