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When it comes to our weather, be thankful for Thanksgiving

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CBS News Miami Live

MIAMI - By the time Thanksgiving rolls around, our weather here in South Florida typically settles down. After several months of torrential thunderstorms, incredible lightning, and the threat from tropical storms and hurricanes, we can finally relax and enjoy the outdoors again.

Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful and here are some reasons why.

Hurricane Season Ends
There are only a few days left once Thanksgiving has come and gone. It officially ends on November 30th. Not to say it's impossible to see a tropical system after that date but 97 percent of all Atlantic tropical cyclones occur from June 1st through November 30th. Those that do pop up during the off-season usually stay out over the water and do not make landfall. Plus, they are much weaker. So the odds of getting a hurricane in December are low.

Atmospheric Conditions Change
Cold fronts are now able to slide all the way south to the Florida Straits. That also helps keep tropical systems away.

Cooler, Drier Air Arrives
The "dry season" finally arrives with lower humidity and cooler temperatures. Daytime highs by December 1st drop to 80 and 77 by the end of the month. But it's the overnight lows that make a difference. You can expect the mid-60s at the beginning of the month to drop to 63 by the end. And since the air is drier, it actually "feels like" the air temperature.

Fewer Rainy Days
Your umbrella should get a break after Thanksgiving since we don't receive nearly as much rain. On average, December only gets 2.44". It's even drier in January with only 1.83". That is typically our driest month.

Fewer Bugs
Although insects can remain active year-round here, they are less active during winter when temperatures drop below 60 degrees. The days are also shorter.

There is much to be thankful for at Thanksgiving, especially when it comes to the weather!

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