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The Magic Wand Blasting Away At Body Flab

MIAMI (CBS4) - The device is like a magic wand at work. It heats up the skin, plumping up the collagen that's there and creating new collagen to get rid of the droopy and the flabby.

CBS4's Cynthia Demos reveals a pair of legs to viewers and asked them if the legs belonged to a 20, 30 or 40-yer old?

"How old are you Janie," she asked the woman whose legs were on display.

"I'm over 50," Janie answered.

She credits her you looking legs to six treatments, plus ongoing visits to the  Tripollar.

"I go to the gym, bike, walk, play tennis, golf, but it's still 50-year old skin. It needed something. But I didn't think there was any help for it," she told Demos.

Janie is so happy with the results on legs, she's now doing her neck.

"It's making fliberblast to make new collagen," explained Dr. Jason Pozner of Boca Raton. He is one of the only plastic surgeons in South Florida to use this device.

"When you do a facelift, you take skin that's lousy and pull it to a new position. You do nothing to correct the damaged skin," explained Pozner.

He said this procedure is not for people with cellulite.

"I look at these devices mainly as loose skin devices," Pozner told Demos.

He said this is a prime example of how the world of plastic surgery is moving towards non invasive procedures.

"Every day someone comes into my office and tightens up their body like this (pulls back skin)... there are no surgeries that do this," said Pozner.

Then he showed a "before" picture of the neck. He said, "this neck is in need of serious tightening."

Then he showed the "after" picture. "Turning back the clock," he pointed out.

Janie thinks so. She would not allow the doctor to take any before pictures of her. But as far as the after pictures go... after the walk in, walk out procedure that takes 10 to 30 minutes, she said "take as many photos as you like!"

The procedure costs about $300 to $400 per treatment, and you need about 6 to 8 treatments in total, as well as monthly follow-up visits. Perfect candidates are 35 to 55... have very  little sun damage and are non-smokers.

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