Rubio, Murphy Senate Race Tightens Ahead Of Election Day
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MIAMI (CBSMiami) – It's been an ugly Senate battle between Republican Incumbent Marco Rubio and Democratic Congressman Patrick Murphy.
Rubio initially said he would not run, but when he lost his bid for the Republican nominee for president he changed his mind, prompting many to ask will he run again in 2020 - leaving the Senate behind.
"It's shameful to me that we have a Senator who has one foot out the door. Who will not even show up to work," said Murphy to Rubio in their first debate.
"That's why you never got anything done! Your colleagues don't trust you and you're not effective," said Rubio to Murphy in the same debate.
CBS4's Ted Scouten spoke with both candidates ahead of decision day - the November 8th election.
"The nagging question that's been following you if you're elected; Will you serve six years," asked Scouten.
"Yes," responded Rubio. "Yes. I have no intention, no desire and no plan to run for any office in 2020 and so I'm going to be a Senator for the next six years."
Rubio is facing criticism by some for not un-endorsing Donald Trump as some other Republicans have. He has condemned him several times while keeping his distance during the campaign.
"I didn't want this to be our choice and quite frankly, I don't understand how the greatest country in the world could leave us with these two," said Rubio.
Murphy, on the other hand, aligns himself closely with Hillary Clinton, a candidate who faces her own issues of trust and truthfulness.
Murphy has been found in some cases to have exaggerated his experience and in other instances made claims that were misleading or outright false. One example is when Murphy said he worked as a CPA in Florida. He has never been licensed in Florida, only in Colorado.
"Those accusations have been debunked. They are lies," said Murphy. "I am a CPA. I got my license in 2009 and if elected to the U.S Senate, I will actually be the second CPA in the history of our country to serve there."
PolitiFact said they have not debunked those attacks saying Murphy exaggerated his credentials and his opponents have also exaggerated their attacks.
On the issues, Rubio wants to redo healthcare including a "high risk" option for people with pre-existing conditions. On social security, his plan calls for gradually increasing the age for retirement and he has an agenda in mind for the next six years.
"I want to look back and say I was instrumental in finally getting the federal government to step up and do its share of funding for the Everglades. I want to be able to say we finally got an aircraft carrier permanently stationed at May Port," said Rubio. "I want to be able to say the mission to Mars and all of our NASA programs have moved forward, un-disrupted."
Murphy vows to help get immigration reform passed, work toward debt-free college and address climate change, to name a few.
"Make sure that we are investing in America, doing things like reforming the tax code and making sure the wealthiest few corporations are paying their fair share, making sure we are raising the minimum wage, investing in children and education. I'm hoping I can find a partner on the other side of the isle who will agree with me," said Murphy.
Marco Rubio has been ahead in the polls during the campaign, but the race has tightened in recent weeks.
Just like in the race for president, it's all going to come down to who can get their supporters to the polls. Remember, early voting continues until November 6th. Click here to read more about Campaign 2016.
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