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New Book Looks At "Michelle Obama & The Power Of Style"

MIAMI (CBS4) – As the former editor of Harper's Bazaar and current fashion news director of Vogue, Kate Betts knows a lot about style.

In her new book "Everyday Icon: Michelle Obama and the Power of Style," Betts delves into why the First Lady's style matters and why style and substance do not have to be mutually exclusive.

"The real 'Aha!' moment was at the Democratic National Convention when she that gorgeous turquoise dress by Maria Pinto," said Betts. "She was so intelligent and powerful, she wasn't afraid to flaunt her style. I thought 'There's a woman who has both style and substance and is not afraid to flaunt both'."

At a recent book launch part at One Bal Harbour, inside Mr. Collins Restaurant, fashionistas sipped trendy Grey Goose cocktails as they listened to Betts describe Mrs. Obama's style.

"I think it's casual. If First Ladies reflect our signs of the time, she reflects a very casual style in our American style now," said Betts. "She has this amazing confidence in the way she dresses. You see it in the way she dresses in the White House. She's so casual sometimes in a way we've never seen First Ladies be casual. She's also dressing for herself, she's not dressing for the job."

According to Betts, Jackie Kennedy embraced her style, setting authority like no other First Lady, while Nancy Reagan was a fan of the big name designers. Hillary Clinton seemed to avoid the style spotlight. Betts said it's Mrs. Obama's easy going, everyday style that makes her so relatable.

"That day, during the Inaugural Swearing In ceremony, she held up a green glove from J.Crew, everyone has heard of it, everyone can relate to it," said Betts. "She likes to show off her arms. She's in great shape, she's statuesque. She's probably the first First Lady to stand literally shoulder to shoulder with her husband. She's 5'11" with great posture, she's charismatic."

"Everyday Icon: Michelle Obama and the Power of Style" is now available in stores and online.

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