Miami Dolphins, AARP Pack Meals For Older South Floridians In Need
MIAMI (CBSMiami) - In an effort to help out some older South Floridians who are struggling to get by, the Miami Dolphins partnered with AARP to make a difference.
On Saturday Dolphins management, along with more than 4,000 volunteers from youth sports teams, churches and community groups, spent the day packing nearly a million meals for individuals 50 plus.
Additionally, the Dolphins made a donation to Feeding South Florida.
"It was an amazing thing to see thousands of volunteers help pack meals today," said team President & CEO Tom Garfinkel. "It really hammers home the idea of stronger together for all of South Florida to join in this great event."
"Seven percent of older Floridians are at risk of hunger each and every day," AARP Foundation President Lisa Marsh Ryerson said. "It took a lot of people that were dedicated to the cause and the reason why it worked was because the Miami Dolphins and AARP Foundation were both committed to helping people in need in the community."
According to the Miami Dolphins website, "the one million meal goal represented 150,000 pounds of food packed in 4,630 boxes with 36 bags per box and six meals per bag (33 pounds per box)."
"The only thing that didn't fully cooperate Saturday was the weather. The goal of 1 million meals easily would have been reached if not for a lightning storm that hit the area late in the afternoon," according to the website. "As it was, volunteers ended up packing about 950,000 meals."
The food will now be distributed to food banks across South Florida,