Here Is Where Miami-Dade, Broward Schools Are Feeding Students During School Shutdown
MIAMI (CBSMiami) – Miami-Dade and Broward school children will continue to be fed during this week's school closures.
Superintendents from both counties said Friday that schools would be closed for a week starting Monday over coronavirus concerns, but that children in need would continue to be fed breakfast and lunch.
The Miami-Dade school district released a statement which read in part:
"The District is aware that food insecurity is a serious concern in our community. M-DCPS provides free breakfast for all students and free or reduced-price lunch to more than 73 percent of students. With the support of local community partners, M-DCPS is fully prepared to implement a community feeding plan to provide meals for students and families. All schools will be providing hot grab-and-go meals for both breakfast and lunch between 9 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday of next week."
The meals are available for ALL students. These meals will be prepared by M-DCPS food service personnel. Students can report to their enrolled school or their neighborhood school to collect the meals. Meal distribution will take place in an area along the external perimeter of the building.
"In times like this I feel like we need it and we appreciate it thank you," said parent Christina Dennis.
In Broward, Dillard High School was just one of a nearly dozen schools doling out breakfast and lunch in a grab and go approach.
Parents and students stayed in their cars, practicing social distancing, as school workers brought them their food.
"It feels amazing," said nine-year-old Camoui.
"And having the food option is really helpful for me, as a stay home mom. Having him home for the next three weeks is really brutal," sain mom Kristina Santa.
"We are doing the best that we can to make sure that those are among us who have challenges in terms of being able to confine and deal with food insecurities, that we are addressing that," said Broward County Public Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie.
The breakfast and lunches are provided to any BCPS student who needs it
"So many of our students rely on the district for basic meals that they need. Over 60% of this District relies on free or reduced meals so that's a priority that we take into consideration and we are ready to feed our students while they are home," said Runcie.
The high schools designated for meal preparation and distribution are:
- Boyd Anderson High
- Blanche Ely High
- Dillard High
- Flanagan High
- Hallandale High
- Miramar High
- Nova High
- Sunrise Middle
- Taravella High
Breakfast will be available from 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. and lunch from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Meals will be available Monday, March 16, Wednesday, March 18, and Thursday, March 19.
Students will need to show school identification to get a meal for themselves and family members who are with them. If a student left their ID at school, flexibility will be provided for these students to assure they receive meals.
Meals are walk-up or pull-up.
The District is also partnering with community organizations that help address food challenges including Feeding South Florida, Health Foundation of Broward, The Hunger Coalition, The United Way
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