Broward Superintendent Pens Letter To Parents About Concern Over '13 Reasons Why'
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BROWARD (CBSMiami) – Some fear the Netflix show "13 Reasons Why" romanticizes suicide in the minds of teenagers. The worry was significant enough that the Broward superintendent sent an urgent letter to parents Monday.
The dark drama of teenage rejection, and eventually suicide, goes right to the heart of teen despair. It's a concern to educators.
"As a parent I thought I had a responsibility to send a letter out to our parents, alerting them to this issue," said Broward Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie.
His letter, sent to all Broward County parents with kids in public school, said media trends generated by the show is what caused him to write to them.
"You should be vigilant in monitoring your children's social media choices and activities they are engaged in," he said.
The well-produced series is raw, engaging and thought provoking. The worry is it could tip a fragile youngster over the edge.
"We try and create a climate in our schools that our students can help and support each other, making sure adults see signs that they are aware of and we can provide the right kind of intervention," Runcie said.
See signs of suicide in a teenager? Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK.