Broward Overnight Fast For Immigration Reform Friday
MIAMI (CBSMiami/AP) — Immigration reform activists will be gathering Friday night to take part in a fast at the Broward Transitional Center.
The goal is to keep the spotlight on reform.
About half a dozen members of the grassroots group Students Working for Equal Rights will stay at the location overnight.
They want to end the annual 400,000 annual deportations. They are also calling out Miami U.S. Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart to play a more visible role in the reform effort. Diaz-Balart was among the bi-partisan "Gang of Eight" working on an immigration reform bill. Three Republicans left that group, leaving Diaz-Balart as the sole GOP member.
Diaz-Balart chief of staff said the congressman hasn't given up on a bill to provide the undocumented a way to earn the ability to get right with the law.
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