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Poll: Most Americans Celebrate Christmas, Still Say 'Happy Holidays'

LOS ANGELES (CBS) — It's Christmas time once again: are you offended yet?

A new survey shows very few Americans actually think the "Merry Christmas" greeting is politically incorrect, but most are still likely to say "Happy Holidays" rather than risk offending someone.

Rasmussen Reports surveyed adults across the nation and found ninety-two percent of Americans say they celebrate Christmas in their family, while just six percent do not observe the holiday.

Analyst Scott Rasmussen joins KFWB's Ken Jeffries with a closer look at the survey's results.

Over one-third of those who say they celebrate Christmas — thirty-six percent — say they feel more comfortable using "Merry Christmas" to a casual acquaintance if the person celebrates some other holiday at this time of year, while fifty-eight percent say they're more likely to wish that person "Happy Holidays".

Click here for the complete results of the Rasmussen poll.

(©2010 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Wire services contributed to this report.)

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