14-Year-Old Fatally Shoots 9-Year-Old Brother In Perris Accident
PERRIS (CBSLA.com) — Authorities say a 14-year-old teen has fatally shot his 9-year-old brother in Perris.
CBS2's Tom Wait reporting from the scene said officials are calling it a tragic accident and not a deliberate act.
The incident occurred just after noon in the 100 block of Metz Road.
The 9-year-old was declared dead at the scene.
Witnesses on scene said a chaplain was called in to help the family cope with the tragedy.
Wait spoke to Perris' mayor -- Daryl Busch -- who explained the circumstances of the shooting.
"The older brother pointed [the gun] at the younger brother, pulled the trigger and apparently it was loaded. And he died from the shot." said the mayor.
The gun was in a box -- one of the boys found it and began playing with it.
"It's a real tragedy to happen to anyone, especially with their children like this," he said.
Neighbors said the shooting was a tragic reminder for anyone who has a gun in the home to keep them safely locked away.
Wait asked the Sheriff's Department if the gun involved was properly permitted, and as of press time they had not responded.
The Riverside Sheriff's Perris station is investigating.