Manly Minute: How To Make Friends At A Party
It goes something like this, a friend you really like invites you to a social event, it could be their office's holiday party or a birthday celebration, but here's the catch….you won't know anyone else who will be there. Your first instinct may be to make up an excuse about how you have to do laundry on Saturday night because you just can't fathom having to socialize with complete strangers. You can already see it, you're standing on the peripheries of the party playing with your phone while everyone else is laughing and having a great time with each other. But admit it…there's a part of you that would really like to check out that new bar and maybe even meet a cute girl or make new friends. Well here's your chance. Here's a simple 5-step process to meet new people, make friends and get them to love talking to you. See the list