Woman Loses Her Sandals, Suffers Third-Degree Burns In Death Valley
DEATH VALLEY (CBS13) - As temperatures at the notorious Death Valley National Park push past 120 degrees, officials are issuing a warning to tourists.
On Saturday, the park's giant thermometer hit 120 degrees. It has been hovering in the low to mid 120s each day since, with it topping out at 126 on the first day of summer on Tuesday.
The infamous giant thermometer at Death Valley. (Credit: National Park Service)
Tourists have been flocking to the area to gawk at the absurd temperatures, prompting officials to issue a dire warning to people not used to such extreme weather.
Earlier in June, park officials said a woman lost her sandals in the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes. She then apparently walked about a half-mile on the hot sand. After her walk, she was taken to the hospital by ambulance - suffering from third-degree burns.
Officials warn that ground temperatures will be significantly higher than whatever the recorded temperature is that day. Ground temperatures of over 200 degrees have been measured at the park.
For a little perspective, temperatures in the valley are expected to just under 110 degrees on Wednesday.