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Warm, Damp Weather Means A Bumper Crop Of Snakes

Copperhead Snake
A Copperhead lies coiled. (credit: AP Photo/Phil Sandlin)

NORTH TEXAS (CBSDFW.COM) - Did you enjoy the mild winter? How about all of the rain North Texas received in the spring? Well, you're not the only one -- snakes did too!

The warm winter and damp spring means we can expect a bumper crop of snakes.

But experts say most snakebites in the Lone Star State aren't lethal.

"People that are bitten by snakes throughout the world, not even to mention here where we don't have some of the most venomous snakes, do not die," explained Texas A&M University veterinarian Jill Healey. "And the ones that we have here are not as venomous as many other snakes found throughout the world."

If you're having visions of "Snakes on a Plane" or "Anaconda" you're overreacting, but the boom in the snake population does mean you should be mindful when gardening, doing yard work and working in bushes or tall grass.

"The most important thing if a human is bitten by a snake is to seek help, but remain calm," Healey said.

Texas is home to hundreds of snakes, most of them non-venomous. Some venomous snakes found in North Texas include: the Copperhead, Cottonmouth, Rattlesnake and Harlequin Coral Snake.

Venomous or not, all snakes can likely be found in certain areas.

"These guys like to be near creeks," said Healey. "They need to stay hydrated and the way they do that is to stay near a water source."

Healey also warns that dogs are likely targets of snakes. To keep your dog safe make sure your yard isn't snake friendly by removing any piles of debris, not leaving food out and keeping your fence maintained.

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