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Texas Democrats Nominate Alameel For US Senate

AUSTIN (AP) — Dallas dental mogul and former major GOP donor David Alameel has beaten perennial candidate Kesha Rogers to win the Democratic U.S. Senate nomination.

He now faces Republican Sen. John Cornyn, strongly favored to win his third term in November.

The Democratic Party implored voters not to support Rogers, who wants to impeach President Barack Obama.

Still, Alameel fell just short of winning a majority in a crowded primary field in March, forcing Tuesday's runoff.

The Lebanon-born Alameel traveled to Afghanistan in 2000 to negotiate with the Taliban about the possible handover of Osama bin Laden to U.S. authorities, but those talks stalled after the Sept. 11 attacks.

Alameel says money will be no object in the race. He long donated to both parties but now says Republicans are too extreme.

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