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Not All Is At Rest In Arlington's Original Cemetery

Arlington Cemetery
Arlington Cemetery (Joel Thomas/CBSDFW)

ARLINGTON (CBSDFW.COM) - The historic Arlington Cemetery is a sprawling, peaceful place. But in a small corner where the city's founders are buried, there's a different feeling.

"It's really secluded and shaded in this area," said Arlington resident Carla Holguin as she peered into the five acres or so of old tombstones covered by the deep shade of the trees above.

"It's just how all the trees are around it so you never have the sun shining down on it in certain areas. It just kind of seems scary to me," said Holguin's son Nathan.

When asked if he would go into that part of the cemetery at night he quickly replied, "Nope!"

It's just as well, since the cemetery is closed to visitors after sundown. But North Texas ghost hunter Martin Bravo and his fellow ghost hunters say they don't need to wait for nightfall.

"I haven't been to a cemetery yet where I haven't been able to pick up on something or get something recorded or something like that," said ghost hunter Clay Coleman as he readied his digital audio recorder for a look around the back part of the cemetery.

The sensitive digital recorders pick up the voice of a woman or girl. Some of the recording is unintelligible. But in one clip you can make out someone saying what seems to be, "Do you want to play with me?"

The investigators also used what's called a ghost box.

"You scan the frequencies of the radio as fast as you can," Bravo said about the shoe box sized device with a radio antenna on top and holes punched into the front for the speakers. "And for some reason the spirits seem to be able to use this box to speak to us."

One of the investigators is named Eve. "Alright," Bravo said to whatever spirits might be in the area. "Can you say her name?"

The box quickly hiccuped through several frequencies before a deep voice said, "Eve." "Did you hear it?" Bravo asked the ghost hunters clustered around him.

At one point on one of the recorders a woman seems say what the ghost hunters already suspected: "Its haunted back there."

One of the ghost hunters, Frank, said he felt someone touching him as he stood with the group of ghost hunters listening

"Are you touching Frank?" Bravo asked hoping to get a response from the ghost box in his hand. "I know this is going to sound crazy," Bravo said, "But I heard 'very slowly'."

The ghost hunters believe one of Arlington's most historic sites is also one of its most haunted.

"At first it was a little counter-intuitive," Coleman said of his experiences in Arlington Cemetery and other graveyards. "I thought, why would the soul be in a place where the bodies are buried? But for some reason they are."

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