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Miley Meows At AMAs, Katie's New Role, Histagrams


How could we go a whole month without a Miley mention in the trending segment?

Everyone is talking about her again -- and again the buzz is about her performance at an awards show.

Music awards show last night with another duet --

This time her partner was not Robin Thicke -- but a lip synching cat.

She also had cat faces covering her bathing suit like costume -- which left little to the imagination.

After the show, she celebrated her 21st birthday.


A popular website combines history, with modern day social networking.

It's called Histagrams.

They are fake Instagram posts that add history and comedy to the popular social media site.

One shows a pic of basketball's founder – James Naismith -- with a ball and a peach basket.  The message reads "On my way to the YMCA to show the lads a new game."

The fake post shows likes from Michael Jordan and a comment from LeBron James.

The next is an old ad from Blockbuster -- reminding customers to rewind their movies.

Netflix comments -- "We love you guys,  let's collaborate!"

Blockbuster replies -- "We're OK for now."


A popular anchor may be ditching the news desk for the Internet?

Yahoo has announced Katie Couric will be it's new "global anchor."

Yahoo's CEO made the announcement on Tumblr.

Couric will be the face of yahoo news and shoot features for the site's home page.

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